4 Olympic Peninsula Explorations during the Shutdown

The Olympic Peninsula was made for adventure and for exploration. And for obvious reasons, many people associate the Peninsula with Olympic National Park. It is frustrating that during these turbulent political times the government has made it impossible to visit a national treasure due to the shutdown. And of course we hope that all of these people can all get back to work and get paid soon! But have no fear, between our state, county, and volunteer-run parks & sites there is almost infinite options for excursions and day trips.

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5 Incredible Washington Proposal Locations

I love this time of year and not just because of the holidays and the changing seasons. Thanksgiving thru Valentine’s Day is proposal season! It is so fun to think about all the people keeping this special secret that will soon be unveiled and two lives will be forever changed.

Many details and emotions go into a proposal and one frequently asked question at With These Rings is “Where should I propose?” We came up with a few of our favorite local spots to ask the surprise question that will forever be etched on your hearts.

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Leaf-Peeping on the Olympic Peninsula

“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall,” wrote F. Scott Fitzgerald in the Great Gatsby. And I can’t say I disagree. I love when the when the air starts to get crisp, my wood burning stove becomes handy once again, and the unparalleled beauty of watching the leaves change colors. The Olympic Peninsula is one of the best places to leaf peep whether it is by foot, by bike, or by car.

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