4 New Port Townsend Foodie Favorites

Port Townsend, and the surrounding area, has a vibrant and eclectic food scene. Due close proximity to farmers, foragers, and artisans - our restaurants, cafes, and bars are comprised of mostly local, in-season foods and ingredients as well as craft cocktails and local beers, wines, and ciders.

We wanted to share with you some of the new (and newer!) kids on the block who are creating unique and delicious delicacies for you!  

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4 Olympic Peninsula Explorations during the Shutdown

The Olympic Peninsula was made for adventure and for exploration. And for obvious reasons, many people associate the Peninsula with Olympic National Park. It is frustrating that during these turbulent political times the government has made it impossible to visit a national treasure due to the shutdown. And of course we hope that all of these people can all get back to work and get paid soon! But have no fear, between our state, county, and volunteer-run parks & sites there is almost infinite options for excursions and day trips.

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Native PNW Delicacies & Where to Eat Them

One of my favorite things about living on the Olympic Peninsula is the access to high-quality, local foods from region’s farmers, foragers, fishermen, artisans, and chefs. There is no bad time to enjoy PNW delicacies but late summer is an especially great time to enjoy just a few of the native treats of the Pacific Northwest. Here are just a few of our favorite local foods and our favorite places to enjoy them.

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5 Port Townsend Date Ideas

Whether you and your favorite person are looking to savor the best of PNW cuisine, take time to spend relaxing, quality time at the spa, enjoy dinner and a movie in a historic 100+ year old movie theater, or watch the sunset over Puget Sound from a kayak or stand-up paddle board...we’ve got you covered!

We’ve put together several Port Townsend date night suggestions for you and your partner to enjoy our sleepy, seaport and just a few of the romantic ways to celebrate love on the Olympic Peninsula.

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