5 Unique Twists on Popular Wedding Trends

Few things are certain, but one I know to be true is trends will come and trends will go. A difficult aspects of planning a wedding is choosing how you want to incorporate trends into the ceremony and reception while staying authentic to you and your partner as a couple and as individuals. There’s no right or wrong way to integrate popular trends. Many of the couples I’ve worked with have put their special twist on popular wedding traditions. Here are just a few of the unique, Olympic Peninsula adaptations.

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Ferry Tips & Tricks

If you’re traveling to Port Townsend, chances are you’re going to be taking one a Washington State Ferry (WSF). It is one of the loveliest ways to travel and commute. The WSF is the largest ferry system in the United States (and 4th largest in the world!) with nearly 25 million people riding the ferries last year. To ensure that your travel experience goes smoothly, here are a few tips & tricks to riding the Washington State Ferries.

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Top 5 Port Townsend Coffee Shops

The Pacific Northwest will without fail provide you with unpredictable weather and the best coffee you’ve ever had. And no matter the weather - rain, wind, snow, shine; there is never a bad day to enjoy a fantastic cup of coffee. Here are just a five of With These Rings favorite local coffee shops (and a bonus tea room!) for a quintessential Port Townsend experience.

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Diamonds & Diamond Alternatives

Some people want to add a little (or a lot of) sparkle to their rings by incorporating stones. Diamonds are generally the first stone that comes to mind when people picture an engagement ring.  But for reasons ranging from taste to budget to politics, some people are leaving diamonds behind. Keep in mind that rings take a lot of abuse, especially wedding rings since they are typically worn daily.  Not all stones are created equal, so be sure that you consider how your stone choice will hold up so that you can love wearing your ring for years to come.

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