6 Port Townsend Places to Enjoy a Creative Cocktail

We are fortunate on the Olympic Peninsula that the majority of restaurants feature fresh food from local farmers, foragers, and fisheries. The creativity and use of in-season ingredients is one of my favorite aspects of dining in Port Townsend and beyond. Lucky for us, this applies to our cocktails and mixologists as well. Check out 6 of my favorite places to enjoy a unique cocktail (or 2!) 

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Victorian History in Uptown

Port Townsend had two distinct districts - Uptown and Downtown. Uptown was home to the society elite who built commanding homes on the bluff with a separate shopping district, churches, schools, hospitals, and parks. As opposed to downtown featuring boarding houses, saloons, theaters, and brothels.

I love to walk around Uptown and look at the Victorian homes, but here are many shops, restaurants, and historical sites to check out. Here are just a few of my favorite stops to make in Uptown.

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